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Welcome to Campus Perspectives, a unique platform for creating discourse on all essential things about SRCC and DU life; a space to talk about issues that go unexamined, yet affect our college life at multiple levels. So let's talk. Let's talk about the social fabric in our campuses. Let's talk about the working of the institutions within the college. Let's talk about the academic standards. Let's talk about the space for democracy. Let's talk about anything and everything that needs to be talked about. Let's talk, debate, scrutinize, and educate.

Education is not filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire

- W B Yeats

A Place Called Indradhanush

I hope by now you have read my previous two articles आसान नहीं है, (भाग-1 and 2) and I am grateful to you for that. But, in case you...

My first semester in SRCC

At this point of time, I have successfully survived the first semester of college, after crusading through many battles, and many new...

आसान नहीं है (भाग-2)

आसान नहीं है (भाग-1) "वोट फ़ॉर SUI, वोट फ़ॉर SUI"- SUI को वोट दें और अपने कॉलेज एवं संपूर्ण विश्वविद्यालय को एक बेहतर स्थान बनायें। सुबह का...

आसान नहीं है (भाग-1)

छह बज रहे हैं, इंद्रधनुष का आखिरी बैच छूटने के लिए तैयार है, शर्मिष्ठा भूमि को घर का काम दे रही है। शर्मिष्ठा कह रही है, "भूमि बड़ी 'ई' की...

New India: New Resistance

The protests that erupted in the country in response to the Citizenship Amendment Bill being passed by both houses of the parliament to...

To the voice that is raised

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." - Elie Wiesel...

How B.Com.Hons Became the Runt of the Litter at SRCC

For 2 years I’ve wondered why I’ve come to despise what I’m studying, and for a long time I thought it was a problem specific to me and...

Dare to spot islamophobia within your space.

If you can't find islamophobia in a central university campus, that doesn't mean it is not existing, it just means that you are...

Indian education system

India is a country with 1.3 billion population with more than 65% of the population in working age. When the whole world is exclaiming...

Students’ view on college election and teachers.

Why does someone participate in an election if he's sure that he's going to lose??? Salient feature of a typical SRite is his/her "proud"...


Background and Objectives: As part of an attempt to capture relevant and significant issues affecting SRites, Campus Perspectives...

Learning in SRCC

(Click here to read this article in Hindi.) Quality learning atmosphere definitely features in the list of expectations of many students...

We are the millennials

Adult content ahead, disguised as children content. We are the spoiled, lazy, entitled, tech-obsessed generation, who fail miserably at...

Tug between my life and corporate life

I wondered about life of the men and women wearing perfectly tailored dress in a high-rise building working their best with every tick...

6 demands to new students union

Click here to read this article in Hindi If you have been following our past posts on the Students’ Union, then student inactiveness...

We stand in full support of Professor Hany Babu

This post is an expression of solidarity of the team of Campus Perspectives with Professor Hany Babu, an associate professor of the...

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Please keep the following things in mind while sending in your articles:

  • We are anonymous. However, if you want your name to be associated with your article, or if you wish to write with a pen name, please mention it specifically in the mail. Of course, if you do not want to reveal your identity, you should rest assured that it will be kept in the strictest confidentiality.

  • The topic can be an account of your personal experience or anything systematic you observe in our campuses, or anything about educational system in general.

  • Please refrain from using abusive language or personal attacks. 

  • Not only current students, but ex-students, teachers and other interested people can also write to us.

  • If you are not a student of SRCC, but want to contribute to this discussion by sharing perspectives or experiences of DU life, even if it is specific to your college, feel free to write us.

  • Campus perspectives team might do minor editing in your write up. However, the final version will be published only with your consent.

  • You can write your perspectives even if they do not align with ours. Diverse views, in fact,  are highly appreciated.


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