Unpleasant Encounter
The Debating Society of SRCC is one of the best in DU and is well known for organizing events to nurture talent in the field. One of the most well-known events in this respect is Gambit – the Annual Freshers’ Parliamentary Debate and I have a vivid memory of my participation in its 2016 edition not only because of the enriching experience but also because of a rather unpleasant encounter. As a member of the Organizing Wing in my first year I was actively involved in the logistic handling of the event that November. One night, as I was passing the library, one of the participants called for my assistance because she was unable to use the girls’ washroom in the vicinity. I at first thought she wanted directions but then saw the cause for her concern. She then clearly expressed her discomfort and said that the boys’ washroom was open whereas the one for girls, located right next to it, was not. I knew I did not have any reasonable explanation so I directed her to an alternate unit and felt sorry for the same. It is encounters like these that bring out the need to focus on minor details and how issues like gender discrimination are pervasive in our society even though many would regard such instances as ridiculous.

Image source- www.setonschoolsafety.com
Written by-
Oliver Naman Kumar
Teacher and student relationship
Not only this relationship, in this world each and every relation need both way initiative. When it comes to higher studies, time has changed as students are also becoming more aware ( you can say that they have more knowledge as compared to previous generation) so teacher should give them chance to put forward their opinion. Also there is a big age difference between a teacher and a student and therefore students should always behave with the teachers. Experience is more powerful than knowledge as teachers are more experienced, students should not question teacher's knowledge because they have
passed many parameters, only then they are standing in front of them. At the same time teachers should also respect student's opinion.

Image source- Financial Express
I personally think that there is need of some moral values in students and at the same time student should know that they can keep their points without disrespecting teachers. Teachers should also appreciate the knowledge and effort that students make. And at last teacher should not have a narrow approach and limited knowledge which is only related to their defined syllabus. They should have a broader approach in sharing their knowledge and experience such that it improves understanding and learning outcomes.
~ Anonymous
Hostel Diaries
What could be considered as a greater pride than joining the most prestigious institution for commerce in India? Apparently being eligible enough to get admission into the girl’s hostel.
Following cumbersome admission procedures, the hostel fails to fulfill its promises that are so graphically mentioned in the prospectus. The hostel is so student friendly that every duty is met out by the residents. This includes the mess duties performed by the first years (which teaches them kitchen management instead corporate management for which they joined the college) that happens to be nothing but a ridiculous tradition introduced to “reduce” the mess bill. It is still not sure how mess duty helps because the mess bill for girls hostel still turns out to be much higher than the boy’s hostel. This is one of the things that highlights the discrimination faced by girl’s hostel residents. On one hand the college is proud for having more female students than male students while on other accommodation
facilities for those students is one third of what is available for the boys. Similarly, the curfew followed by the girls and boys’ hostel are as different as day and night. Residents of the girl’s hostel are prohibited from ordering food after 2030 hours and are locked inside the hostel like caged animals, while the boys have 2230 hours as curfew and are free to order food anytime. Festivals deepen the divide between the two hostels as girls are barred from leaving the hostel compound even if it is just to roam in the college compound while boys are free to do as they please. When we question these rules and regulations the answer that we always get is that all these are in place for our safety. But how can male family members of residents be a threat when male hostel workers are not?

Image source- Justdial
~ Anonymous